
Water is a precious resource in Colorado, and one way you can help conserve water is to plant a xeriscape garden. Xeriscaping uses plants – often those native to Colorado – that can survive and thrive without the need for supplemental irrigation. Xeriscape gardens require some planning, so if you’re interested in xeriscaping, take a look at some of these helpful publications available from our library:

For recommendations on the best flowers for Colorado’s climate, the CSU Extension’s book Best Perennials for the Rocky Mountains and High Plains notes which perennials are recommended for xeriscape gardens. Also available for checkout is the DVD Xeriscaping: A Great Choice.

Communities looking to implement xeriscaping plans and policies should view Water Efficient Landscape Design: A Model Landscape Ordinance for Colorado’s Communities Utilizing a Water Conservation-Oriented Planning Approach and its companion guide, WaterWise Landscaping Best Practices Manual.