Today is Earth Day. Here are some helpful resources from our library that you can use to learn more about Colorado’s environment, and what you can do to help:
- Climate Change in Colorado
- Colorado Climate Change Vulnerability Study
- Colorado Climate Plan
- Colorado State University Climate Action Plan
- Careers for Colorado’s New Energy Economy: Energy Efficiency, Wind, Solar, and More
- Clean Energy Policy Guide for State Legislatures
- Colorado Low-Impact Hydropower Permitting Guide
- Colorado Recycled Energy Market Overview
- Cow Power: A Guide to Harnessing the Energy in Livestock Waste
- An Early Look at Energy Efficiency and Contributory Value: Case Studies of Residential Properties in the Greater Denver Metro Area
- Potential Impacts of Solar Arrays on Highway Environment, Safety and Operations
- Reducing Energy Waste in the United States
- Agricultural Chemicals & Groundwater Protection
- Best Management Practices for Agricultural Pesticide Use to Protect Water Quality
- EPA-Approved State-Managed Pollinator Protection Plan
- Homeowner’s Guide to Pesticide Use Around the Home and Garden
- Pesticides & Fertilizers
Pollution Prevention
- Air Quality Requirements for Autobody Shops
- Air Toxics Standard for Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations at Area Sources
- Asphalt Roofing: A Guide to Air Quality Regulations
- Coffee Roasting: An Overview of Air Quality Regulations
- Dry Cleaners and PCE
- Environmental Requirements for Perc Dry Cleaning Alternatives
- Environmental Requirements for the Surface Coating Industry
- Fact Sheet on Mercury in Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)
- A Guide to Environmental Regulations for Abrasive Blast Cleaning Operations
- Oil and Gas Industry Spills and Releases
- An Overview of Colorado Air Regulations for Surface Mining Operations, Concrete Batch Plants & Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
- Pollution Prevention Ideas for the Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industry Sectors
- Pollution Prevention Ideas for the Wood Products and Furniture and Fixtures Sectors
- Small Mercury Spill and Fluorescent Bulb Cleanup Guidance for Businesses
Recycling & Waste Management
- Annual Report on the Status of Waste Tire Recycling in Colorado
- Automotive Salvage Yard Waste Management Practices in Colorado
- Colorado Waste Tire Program Information
- Waste Tire Disposal and Recycling Program
- Annual Report, Colorado Paint Stewardship Program
- Paint Stewardship and Recycling (webpage)
- Status of the Colorado Paint Stewardship Program … annual report
- Commercial Office Building Recycling Program Final Report
- Recycling at Work: Creating a Cost-Effective Recycling and Waste Reduction Program for Businesses
Remediation and cleanup
- Cleaning Up Abandoned Hardrock Mines in the West
- The Colorado Brownfields Handbook
- Demographic & Land Use Reconstruction of the Area Surrounding the Rocky Flats Plant
- Denver Federal Center: Historic Contamination Cleanup Facts
- Petroleum Cleanup & Redevelopment Fund Guidebook
- Update Fact Sheet, Central City-Clear Creek Superfund Site
- Voluntary Cleanup Roadmap
- Blueprint for a Green Campus: A Sustainability Action Plan for the University of Colorado at Boulder
- Colorado Community Sustainability Guide: A Self-Assessment Tool for Local Governments
- Sustainable Building Best Practices for the Rocky Mountain West
- 2017 Fort Lewis College Commuting Report
- Electric and Natural Gas Vehicles
- Greening Government Transportation Efficiency Audit
- Hot Mix Asphalt: An Overview of Environmental Regulations
- National Environmental Policy Act Manual
- Statewide Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
- Statewide Transit Plan
- Environmental assessments of various roads and highways – search our online catalog
- Citizen’s Guide to Colorado’s Environmental Era
- Colorado Environmental Education Plan
- Compliance Certification Workbook, Colorado Small Businesses: Managing Your Environmental Health and Safety Programs
- Contested Waters: An Environmental History of the Colorado River (book available for checkout)
- Environmental Politics and Policy in the West (book available for checkout)
- Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Water Quality and the Environment
- Risk-Based Inspections: Strategies to Address Environmental Risk Associated with Oil and Gas Operations
This is just a small sampling of the many environmental-related publications available in our library collection. For more titles search our online catalog or visit our digital repository.
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