2017 Population Estimates Released

Colorado’s State Demography Office has recently released their analysis of new Census Bureau estimates for 2017 population figures.  According to this press release from the Department of Local Affairs, which houses the Demography Office,

The U.S. increased by 2.3 million people between 2016 and 2017 to reach an estimated population of 325,719,178.  During the same time Colorado increased by just over 77,049 to reach 5,607,154 ranking 8th in total growth and 9th in percent growth of 1.4%. Colorado remains the 21st largest state with Wisconsin ranking 20th at 5.795 million.  The southern U.S. reported the largest growth at 1% followed by the Western U.S. at .9%.  The Northeast and Midwest reported the slowest growth.

Colorado’s growth has been a hot topic lately as the state’s strong economy attracts many new migrants.  You can find more Colorado population statistics on the Demography Office’s website, including an interactive map gallery; also, search our library’s online catalog for information from past years and decades.