Smoke Rises at the State Capitol

Banning smoking in public places in Colorado has risen to the top of many debates this past week as the legislature conducts hearings on proposed bills. But what are some of the smoking facts?
According to STEPP (State Tobacco Education & Prevention Partnership), tobacco use is reponsible for more than 4,200 deaths yearly in our state and the annual healthcare costs in Colorado exceed $259 per capita.

More than 6,500 Colorado restaurants and 70 bars are 100% smoke-free and the issue of secondhand smoke affects children, pregnant women, restaurant/bar workers, and others. One study revealed that 88% of non-smokers had nicotine in their systems because of contact with secondhand smoke. Programs have been established to discourage smoking among youth such as Youth Tobacco Prevention and Intervention. Information on smoking and pregnancy is also available from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Other resources from that department available from our library:
Tobacco use in Colorado : results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System by Rebecca Rosenblatt, HE18/62.12/56, also online
Cigarette smoking : the toll in Colorado, HE18/62.12/38, also online

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