Recidivism – What Works

An interesting report has just been issued on efforts to reduce recidivism (repeat offenders) and what effect incarceration has on crime. “What Works: Effective Recidivism Reduction and Risk-Focused Prevention Programs,” (PS7/2.2/R24/2008) was prepared for the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice by the RKC Group in February, 2008. The report examines educational and vocational programming, substance abuse treatment, drug courts, sex offender treatment, cognitive-behavioral programs, and others. Each approach is evaluated by evidence-based data on a national and state (Colorado) level. The report is available for loan from the State Publications Library, and also available online. (large file: 5MB)

The team at the Institutional Library Services unit of the Colorado State Library has produced a great DVD that describes basic library functions and how library resources can help prisoners and ex-offenders alike. It’s called “Out for Life: How your library can help,” and is available for loan or streaming in our digital repository. (ED3/140.2/L62/2007 )

You may also want to check out the “Recidivism Fact Sheet” from the Office of State Planning and Budgeting, which gives statistics for recidivism in Colorado, along with estimates on the impact it has on the Colorado economy.

Samantha Hager
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