Preparedness Factsheets

The Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management and, the State’s official preparedness website, are offering a set of fact sheets or “preparedness bulletins” on the Division’s website. Intended for general audiences, the bulletins are quick summaries on how to prepare for a variety of disasters, including avalanches, earthquakes, electrical outages, fires and floods, landslides, winter storms, and more.

One particularly timely fact sheet is about holiday cooking safety. Check out this quick two-pager to find out about how to safely prepare your holiday meals. The fact sheet offers tips on food safety; cooking with children; and how to avoid burns and cooking fires. For example, did you know that it is dangerous to use extension cords for cooking appliances? The fact sheet tells us that they could overload electrical circuits and cause fires.  More about home fires can be found in the bulletin on that topic.