Marijuana Taxes

How much money is Colorado receiving from taxation of retail marijuana?  And where does the money go?

The Colorado Department of Revenue provides answers to the first question.  Their Marijuana Tax Data webpage includes monthly sales tax collection by county, a data archive, and total number of taxes, fees, and licenses in Colorado.  They also have a Quick Answers page that covers marijuana tax information such as retailer and grower/manufacturer requirements, taxes for infused products (edibles), excise tax information, and medical vs. retail marijuana taxation information.  More in-depth information, including copies of marijuana-related statutes, can be found at their Legal Research webpage.

The Colorado Legislative Council has recently published an Issue Brief to answer the second question.  Distribution of Marijuana Tax Revenue is a quick, easy-to-understand overview of where the marijuana tax money goes.  Check our library’s web catalog for more info and for new publications as the laws continue to change.