Several state agencies publish resources on Colorado business. These agencies include the Office of Economic Development & International Trade and the Department of Regulatory Agencies, among others. OED publications include general business resource guides, resources on the Colorado economy, and resources on specific businesses. Examples that are in our collection include:
–Colorado Business Resource Guide, GOV34/1.8/G94/2005
–Colorado’s Economic Opportunities: Today, Tomorrow, and the Future, GOV34.2/EC7/2004
–Colorado Economic Development Data Book, GOV34/10.2/EC2/2005
The Dept. of Regulatory Agencies issues a variety of publications on industries such as real estate, insurance, and utilities. The department also publishes Sunrise Reviews and Sunset Reviews, which report on Colorado laws concerning a variety of types of businesses. Archived reports can be found online at the department’s website.
Other state agencies have also published resources on doing business in Colorado, including the Dept. of Revenue’s Starting a Business in Colorado. Check CoSPL’s online catalog for more resources on Colorado business.
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