Auto-Pedestrian Accidents

During the past month the news has been filled with reports of auto-pedestrian accidents in Denver. Although it seems like there have been an unusually high number recently, is this really the case? According to the Colorado Dept. of Transportation (CDOT), there were 47 pedestrian fatalities in 2009; 36 in 2010; and 45 in 2011. These numbers are actually down from 2006 and 2007, when there were 59 and 58 pedestrian fatalities, respectively. (Data from the 2012 Transportation Safety and Traffic Engineering Annual Report).

What can you do to help keep yourself and your family safe, and keep others from harm?  See CDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety page for information. Teachers of children in the primary grades can use CDOT’s pedestrian safety lesson plans to teach kids about safety; see also CDOT’s Safe Routes to School program site for more information about keeping young pedestrians safe.  And if you’re the one behind the wheel, make sure you learn about watching out for pedestrians on the road. See CDOT’s Share the Road program site for more information.