Lightning Strikes

Here in Colorado, lightning is the number one life threatening weather hazard. Between 1959 and 1994, lightning killed 394 people. Colorado ranks number 11 for lightning deaths in the United States. The Colorado Division of Emergency Management has assembled “Lightning Safety Tips” that can save lives. The National Weather Service also has a lightning safety page and a slogan, “When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors”. A lightning strike can result in a cardiac arrest (heart stopping) at the time of the injury, although some victims may appear to have a delayed death a few days later if they are resuscitated but have suffered irreversible brain damage. The medical aspects of being struck by lightning can be many and varied.

The National Weather Service also has links to:

Survivor Stories – location when struck (such as on phone inside the home) and medical impacts
Success Stories – for example, changing outdoor sports weather awareness rules
Kids Page – games for children to learn lightning safety
Teacher’s Tools – curriculum guides, slide presentations, games, etc.
Photos of Lightning Striking

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