The Trustee Corner is a monthly series featuring information of interest to public library boards. Topics include training opportunities, legal issues, helpful information, and relevant news impacting public library governance. The information included in this newsletter is for informational purposes, and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Please consult your library’s attorney with any questions about your specific situation.
In this issue:
- Colorado Public Library Standards
- Library Board Essentials Training
- CAL Virtual Conference
- Trustee Track Preview
- Trustee Registration Cost Assistance
- Additional Trustee Training Opportunities
- Call for Colorado Library Photos
Colorado Public Library Standards
The Colorado Public Library Standards are a tool that can be used as an aid for strategic planning and policy development. The standards include the Definition of a Public Library in Colorado, which provides minimum standards for libraries. They also provide eleven areas of developmental standards in which a library can examine its current services and set goals for a better level of service for the local community. Standard areas include Collections, Community Engagement, Finance, Governance, and Technology.
Each standard has a short introductory section followed by a checklist. The checklist is intended as a planning aid, to guide library stakeholders discussion about how their library has addressed, or should address, that standard. In some cases, libraries will surpass the recommendation; in others, libraries may decide that the recommendation is not relevant or meaningful in their community. The standards describe recommended practices for achieving excellence.
It is suggested that library trustees review each one of the standards by bringing them one to each of their board meetings throughout the year.
View the complete Colorado Public Library Standards on the Colorado State Library website.
Library Board Essentials Training
The Colorado State Library will be offering two “Library Board Essentials” virtual workshops, one for advisory boards (July 22) and one for governing boards (July 29). These workshops will provide foundational information for public library trustees. Topics covered in this workshop include the link between governance and operations, roles and responsibilities of library boards, open meeting requirements, core principles of public library service, and an overview of current library trends. This workshop will be interactive and allow for trustees to share ideas and ask questions.
Learn more about these workshops and reserve your spot. Space is limited.
CAL Virtual Conference
This year’s Colorado Association of Libraries Conference (CALCON2020) is going virtual! This includes a full day Trustee Track, as well as other content of interest to library trustees. CALCON is the premier statewide annual professional development event for libraries of all types. CALCON2020 will take place September 10-12, and will utilize Zoom meeting rooms.
Trustee Track Preview
CALCON2020 includes a full day Trustee Track, dedicated to the interests of public library boards (for both district and non-district libraries). Many of the general breakout sessions throughout the conference will also be of interest to library trustees. Trustee Track sessions will also be of interest to library management. The full conference includes 3 keynote speakers, awards, and virtual networking opportunities. Conference registration provides access to recordings of all conference sessions, for 70+ hours of professional development. The Trustee Track will take place Friday, September 11.
The cost for Trustees to register for the entire conference is $100. Read more details about the conference, including schedule highlights for Trustees. Registration is open now through the CALCON 2020 conference website.
Registration Cost Assistance
The Colorado State Library will cover the cost of five (5) Trustee registrations for CALCON2020. Trustees will need to apply to be considered, and will be selected based on their goals for trustee learning, the potential for library board improvement, and financial need. Consideration will also be given to location, in order to distribute this award to library boards across the state.
View more details about this financial support, and submit an application [dead link removed 19 May 2022]. Deadline to submit is August 3rd.
Additional Trustee Training Opportunities
- Special District Association Virtual Workshops for Board Members (recorded video)
- United for Libraries Virtual Conference for Trustees, Friends, and Foundations (Aug. 4-6)
- Library Advocacy & Funding Conference (Sept. 14-16)
Call for Colorado Public Library Photos
Do you have a good photo of your public library? In each month’s Trustee Corner, we include a photo of a Colorado public library as the featured image. In the past, those photos were taken as we travel around the state. Now our travel is limited, and we are running out of photos to share! If you would like to see your library’s building featured in the Trustee Corner, email your good quality photos to Crystal Schimpf .
Stay Connected
Be sure to follow Colorado State Library on Twitter and Facebook. Interested in receiving Trustee-related updates via email? Sign up for the Colorado Library Trustees (COLT) email list.
Did you miss the June issue? View it, and more, at the Library Trustees page of the Colorado Virtual Library.
- Virtual Learning for Library Trustees, April-June 2021 - April 7, 2021
- National Library Week 2021: Welcome to Your Library - April 2, 2021
- Trustee Corner – March 2021 - March 24, 2021