Digital Access Plan for Every Library: What’s Your Ecosystem Look Like?

Let's Get Digital: Connecting Libraries to Colorado's Digital Equity Plan

As you may have heard by now, the State of Colorado is in the process of creating its first Digital Access Plan.

To create the infrastructure that will support the realization of digital equity in Colorado, the state’s Digital Equity Team is gathering information about organizations, businesses, and local governments that participate in or could participate in, digital equity work. It is vital that ANY organization directly or tangentially involved in digital equity work participate in the state’s Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping survey.

For multi-branch systems and jurisdictions with multiple library locations, each library location should fill out the Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping survey.

Information from the survey will be used to identify who should be involved in digital equity conversations in 2024 when the state receives approximately $20M in federal funding to invest in implementing Colorado’s Digital Access Plan.

Ensure the work you do is reflected in Colorado’s Digital Access Plan, and that your library’s voice is included in ongoing digital equity conversations in communities across Colorado by completing the survey today.

Click here to read the Colorado Digital Equity Ecosystem Map 

Cristy Moran