Stories for Library Spaces

Happy holidays, library world! This time of year when we gather with family and friends, which can be both joyful and hectic, feels like an appropriate time to take a look at library spaces across Colorado dedicated to coming together or finding some peace and quiet. In 2024, Library Research Service asked libraries to report on the Public Library Annual Report (PLAR) how many meeting and study rooms they have available and how many times each room type was used in 2023. This data was collected at the outlet level, meaning that individual library locations reported room counts and usage separate from their larger library system. We asked about these library spaces because libraries are some of the only places that provide work spaces without many of the usual barriers to entry, such as cost. Providing access to meeting or study spaces is particularly important for people who may not be able to find similar suitable spaces in their home environment. The data we collected indicates that quiet spaces to oneself and places to gather are not only helpful over the holidays but in high demand throughout the year…

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Sara Wicen
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