CSL in Session: Level Up Your Booktalks! New Ways to Engage in School Outreach

Join us on August 14, 2024, from 12 – 1 PM for an interactive webinar all about booktalks!

  • Are you new to booktalking?
  • Does he thought of giving a booktalk make you nervous?
  • Have you been booktalking for a while but need ideas on how to level them up?
  • Are you looking for new ways to partner with your local school or public library?

Join the Youth and Teen Librarians from Arapahoe Libraries for an exciting workshop! We will introduce you to the art of confident booktalks, demonstrate ways to engage readers of all ages with interactive strategies, and share ways to create meaningful outreach experiences. Bonus: Grow your reading list with some new-to-you titles for kids and teens!

Check out the Libraries Learn calendar for more information and to register!